Today marks the beginning of the McJuggerNuggets Cameraman Competition!!! RULES ARE DOWN BELOW. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: DOWNLOAD STORYFIRE APP: COMPETITION DETAILS: The Prize: Full-time Paid Position working for McJuggerNuggets as the cameraman for the next big series. RULES: Create a 5-minute compilation of your best camerawork/cinematography. Upload it to Youtube with #MMM in the title and your full name. Send an e-mail to with a Resume as well as a link to your #MMM video submission. Also, include a paragraph or two as to why you want this position and the value you could bring. After you've done that, just wait for further instructions. LINKS Twitter: Instagram: Twitch: Facebook: The Juggies Store: I love talking to you guys and getting to know you! If you want to see more videos like this one or some of my other content, check out my channel! Don't forget to subscribe and become a "JUGGIE"! RiDGiD STUDiOS PO BOX 599 Elmer, NJ 08318 United States of America Keep it RiDGiD, my friends.